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Sanjay Gupta Books

Sanjay Gupta bibliography

Keep your brain young, healthy, and alive with this science guide to protecting your mind from decline from CNN neurosurgeon and medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta books.

Throughout life, we look for ways to keep our minds sharp and productive effortlessly. Today, globe-trotting neurosurgeon Dr Sanjay Gupta delivers "the book we all need, young and old" (Walter Isaacson, best-selling author of The Code Breaker, The New York Times) with insights from the world's best researchers. Whole, whose cutting - cutting-edge research can help you increase and protect brain function and maintain cognitive health at all ages.

Keep Sharp dispels common myths about aging and mental decline, explores whether this is a 'better' diet or exercise program for the brain, and explains whether it is healthier to play games. video that test memory and processing speed, or participate in more social activities. interaction. Find out what we can learn from “super-brain” people who are in their 80s and 90s with no signs of slowing down - and if there really are any benefits for drugs, supplements, and vitamins. Dr Gupta also discusses diseases of the brain, especially Alzheimer's disease, answers all your questions about signs and symptoms and shows you how to avoid them and stay healthy while caring for a partner in decline. cognitive. It also offers you a personalized twelve-week program with practical strategies to strengthen your brain on a daily basis.

Keep Sharp is the "Must Read User Guide" (Arianna Huffington) you need to keep your brain young and healthy, no matter what your age!

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