Business books 

Marketing made simple

Book by Donald Miller

Based on Building a StoryBrand by New York Times bestselling author Donald Miller, this Marketing made simple book is a strategic and practical guide to applying the StoryBrand framework to any brand and an essential part of any professional toolbox. Marketing.

Every day, brands lose millions of dollars just because they do not have a clear message that tells consumers who they are and what value they want to add to customers' lives. To solve this dilemma, Donald Miller wrote Building a StoryBrand, which has become the guide for anyone who wants to create or strengthen their brand message.

Don now takes it a step further with this five-part checklist that helps marketers and business owners use the StoryBrand messaging framework across key customer contact points to effectively develop, strengthen and communicate the history of their brand in the marketplace.

In praise of simplified marketing

"I created guarantees for a client, and they recently told me not to publish the next round that we created because they can not handle the influx of clients from the first round. They had several announcements. This year only in 30 years of activity." - Amy Burgess, Marketing Consultant

"My last email campaign I submitted raised $ 20,000. Thank you Donald Miller for giving me a system that I know works." - Ian Stewart, owner / creative director of Root Source Digital

"A customer has gone from $ 15 million last year to $ 27 million so far this year. All thanks to updating messages and implementing new lead generators and email campaigns. - Wes Gay, CEO of Wayfinder

"I just learned from one of my clients that she gets 18 ideal leads a day on her site. Before she reconnected the cable frame, she had an average of 1 to 3 leads a week. And that's fine. Updates the site." - Amy Schutte, owner of Hudson and Co LLC